Preprint: Wang K., van Bergen E, and Züst T. Consequences of chemical novelty: Field performance of the cardenolide-producing crucifer Erysimum cheiranthoides under herbivore attack and heterospecific competition.
Preprint: Younkin G.C., Alani M.L., Züst T., and Jander G. Four enzymes control natural variation in the steroid core of Erysimum cardenolides.
2025: Wang K. and Züst T. Within-plant variation in chemical defence of Erysimum cheiranthoides does not explain Plutella xylostella feeding preference. Plant Biology
2024: Thönen L., Kreuzer M., Florean M., Mateo P., Züst T., Giroud C., Rouyer L., Gfeller V., Notter M.D., Knoch E., Hapfelmeier S., Becker C., Schandry N., Robert C.A.M., Köllner T.G., Bruggmann R., Erb M., and Schlaeppi K. The lactonase BxdA mediates metabolic adaptation of maize root bacteria to benzoxazinoids. Nature Communications 15: 6535.
2024: Plata Á., Züst T., Bermejo A., Beitia F.J., and Tena A. Exotic predators can sequester and use novel toxins from exotic non-coevolved prey. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291: 20232478.
2023: Petschenka G., Züst T., Hastings A.P., Agrawal A.A. and Jander G. Quantification of plant cardenolides by HPLC, measurement of Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition activity, and characterization of target enzymes. Methods in Enzymology 680: 275-302.
2022: Jeckel A.M., Beran F., Züst T., Younkin G., Petschenka G., Pokharel P., Dreisbach D., Ganal-Vonarburg S.C. and Robert C.A.M. Metabolization and sequestration of plant specialized metabolites in insect herbivores: Current and emerging approaches. Frontiers in Insect Physiology 13.
2022: Sun Y., Züst T., Silvestro D., Erb M., Bossdorf O., Matteo P., Robert C.A.M. and Müller-Schärer H. Climate warming can reduce biocontrol efficacy and promote plant invasion due to both genetic and transient metabolomic changes. Ecology Letters 25: 1387-1400.
2022: López-Goldar X., Hastings A., Züst T. and Agrawal A.A. Evidence for tissue-specific defense-offense interactions between milkweed and its community of specialized herbivores. Molecular Ecology 31: 3254-3265.
2022: Petschenka G., Halitschke R., Züst T., Roth A., Stiehler S., Tenbusch L., Hartwig C., Moreno J.F., Trusch R., Deckert J., Chalušová K., Vilcinskas A. and Exnerová A. Sequestration of defenses against predators drives specialized host plant associations in preadapted milkweed bugs (Heteroptera: Lygaeinae). American Naturalist 199: E211-E228.
2021: Hu L., Wu Z., Robert C.A.M., Ouyang X., Züst T., Mestrot A., Xu J. and Erb M. Soil chemistry determines whether defensive plant secondary metabolites promote or suppress herbivore growth. PNAS 121: e2109602118.
2021: Sharda S., Züst T., Erb M. and Taborsky B. Predator-induced maternal effects determine adaptive antipredator behaviors via egg composition. PNAS 118: e2017063118.
2021: Erb M., Züst T. and Robert C.A.M. Using plant chemistry to improve interactions between plants, herbivores and their natural enemies: challenges and opportunities. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 70: 262-265.
2021: Machado R.A.R, Theepan V., Robert C.A.M, Züst T., Hu L., Su Q., Schimmel B.C.J. and Erb M. The plant metabolome guides fitness-relevant foraging decisions of a specialist herbivore. PLoS Biology 19: e3001114.
2020: Mirzaei M., Züst T., Hastings A.P., Agrawal A.A. and Jander G. Less Is More: a mutation in the chemical defense pathway of Erysimum cheiranthoides (Brassicaceae) reduces total cardenolide abundance but increases resistance to insect herbivores. Journal of Chemical Ecology 46: 1131-1143.
2020: Bont Z., Züst T., Arce C., Huber M. and Erb M. Variation in root secondary metabolites is shaped by past climatic conditions. Journal of Ecology 108: 2611-2624.
2020: Züst T., Strickler S.R., Powell A.F., Mabry ME., An H., Mirzaei M., York T., Holland C.K., Kumar P., Erb M., Petschenka G., Goméz J.M., Perfectti F., Müller C., Pires J.C., Mueller L.A. and Jander G. Independent evolution of ancestral and novel defenses in a genus of toxic plants (Erysimum, Brassicaceae). eLife 9: e5172.
2019: Züst T., Petschenka G., Hastings A. and Agrawal A.A. Toxicity of milkweed leaves and latex: chromatographic quantification versus biological activity of cardenolides in 16 Asclepias species. Journal of Chemical Ecology 45: 50-60.
2018: Li B., Förster C., Robert C.A.M., Züst T., Hu L., Machado R.A.R., Berset J.-D., Handrick V., Knauer T., Hensel G., Chen W., Kumlehn J., Yang P., Keller B., Gershenzon J., Jander G., Köllner T.G. and Erb M. Convergent evolution of a metabolic switch between aphid and caterpillar resistance in cereals. Science Advances 4: eaat6797.
2018: Züst T., Mou S. and Agrawal A.A. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger: the burdens and benefits of toxin sequestration in a milkweed aphid. Functional Ecology 32: 1972-1981.
2018: Johnson, S.N. and Züst T. Spotlight article: Climate change and insect pests: resistance is not futile? Trends in Plant Science 23: 367-369.
2018: Züst, T., Mirzaei, M. and Jander, G. Erysimum cheiranthoides, an ecological research system with potential as a genetic and genomic model for studying cardiac glycoside biosynthesis. Phytochemistry Reviews 17: 1239-1251.
2017: Yan, J., Song, Z., Xu, Q., Kang, L., Zhu, C., Xing, S., Liu, W., Greimler, J., Züst, T., Li, J. and Sang, T. (2017) Population transcriptomic characterization of the genetic and expression variation of a candidate progenitor of Miscanthus energy crops. Molecular Ecology 26: 5911-5922.
2017: Züst T. and Agrawal A.A. Trade-offs between plant growth and defense against insect herbivory: an emerging mechanistic synthesis. Annual Reviews of Plant Biology 68: 513-534.
2017: Züst T. and Agrawal A.A. Plant chemical defense indirectly mediates aphid performance via interactions with tending ants. Ecology 98: 601-607.
2016: Züst T. and Agrawal A.A. Mechanisms and evolution of plant resistance to aphids. Nature Plants 2: 15206.
2016: Züst T. and Agrawal A.A. Population growth and sequestration of plant toxins along a gradient of specialization in four aphid species on the common milkweed Asclepias syriaca. Functional ecology 30: 547-556.
2015: Agrawal A.A., Hastings A.P., Bradburd G.S., Woods E.C., Züst T., Harvey, J.A. and Bukovinszky T. Evolution of plant growth and defense in a continental introduction. American Naturalist 186: E1-E15.
2015: Züst T., Rasmann S. and Agrawal A.A. Growth-defense tradeoffs for two major anti-herbivore traits of the common milkweed Asclepias syriaca. Oikos 124: 1404-1415.
2014: Erwin A.C., Züst T., Ali J. and Agrawal A.A. Aboveground herbivory facilitates above- and belowground conspecific insects and reduces fruit production. Journal of Ecology 102: 1038-1047.
2013: Joseph B., Corwin J.A., Züst T., Li B., Iravani M., Schaepman-Strub G., Turnbull L.A. and D.J. Kliebenstein. Hierarchical nuclear and cytoplasmic genetic architectures for plant growth and defense within Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 25: 1929-1945.
2012: Züst T., Heichinger C., Grossniklaus U., Harrington R., Kliebenstein D.J. and L.A. Turnbull. Natural enemies drive geographic variation in plant defences. Science 338: 116-119. PDF
2011: Züst T., Joseph B., Shimizu K.K., Kliebenstein D.J. and L.A. Turnbull. Using knockout mutants to reveal the growth costs of defensive traits. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 2598-2603. PDF
2010: Paul-Victor C., Züst T., Rees M., Kliebenstein D.J. and L.A. Turnbull. A new method for measuring relative growth rate can uncover the costs of defensive compounds in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 187: 1102-1111. PDF
2007: Züst T., Härri S.A. and C.B. Müller. Endophytic fungi decrease available resources for the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi and impair their ability to induce defences against predators. Ecological Entomology 33: 80-85.
Preprint: Younkin G.C., Alani M.L., Züst T., and Jander G. Four enzymes control natural variation in the steroid core of Erysimum cardenolides.
2025: Wang K. and Züst T. Within-plant variation in chemical defence of Erysimum cheiranthoides does not explain Plutella xylostella feeding preference. Plant Biology
2024: Thönen L., Kreuzer M., Florean M., Mateo P., Züst T., Giroud C., Rouyer L., Gfeller V., Notter M.D., Knoch E., Hapfelmeier S., Becker C., Schandry N., Robert C.A.M., Köllner T.G., Bruggmann R., Erb M., and Schlaeppi K. The lactonase BxdA mediates metabolic adaptation of maize root bacteria to benzoxazinoids. Nature Communications 15: 6535.
2024: Plata Á., Züst T., Bermejo A., Beitia F.J., and Tena A. Exotic predators can sequester and use novel toxins from exotic non-coevolved prey. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291: 20232478.
2023: Petschenka G., Züst T., Hastings A.P., Agrawal A.A. and Jander G. Quantification of plant cardenolides by HPLC, measurement of Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition activity, and characterization of target enzymes. Methods in Enzymology 680: 275-302.
2022: Jeckel A.M., Beran F., Züst T., Younkin G., Petschenka G., Pokharel P., Dreisbach D., Ganal-Vonarburg S.C. and Robert C.A.M. Metabolization and sequestration of plant specialized metabolites in insect herbivores: Current and emerging approaches. Frontiers in Insect Physiology 13.
2022: Sun Y., Züst T., Silvestro D., Erb M., Bossdorf O., Matteo P., Robert C.A.M. and Müller-Schärer H. Climate warming can reduce biocontrol efficacy and promote plant invasion due to both genetic and transient metabolomic changes. Ecology Letters 25: 1387-1400.
2022: López-Goldar X., Hastings A., Züst T. and Agrawal A.A. Evidence for tissue-specific defense-offense interactions between milkweed and its community of specialized herbivores. Molecular Ecology 31: 3254-3265.
2022: Petschenka G., Halitschke R., Züst T., Roth A., Stiehler S., Tenbusch L., Hartwig C., Moreno J.F., Trusch R., Deckert J., Chalušová K., Vilcinskas A. and Exnerová A. Sequestration of defenses against predators drives specialized host plant associations in preadapted milkweed bugs (Heteroptera: Lygaeinae). American Naturalist 199: E211-E228.
2021: Hu L., Wu Z., Robert C.A.M., Ouyang X., Züst T., Mestrot A., Xu J. and Erb M. Soil chemistry determines whether defensive plant secondary metabolites promote or suppress herbivore growth. PNAS 121: e2109602118.
2021: Sharda S., Züst T., Erb M. and Taborsky B. Predator-induced maternal effects determine adaptive antipredator behaviors via egg composition. PNAS 118: e2017063118.
2021: Erb M., Züst T. and Robert C.A.M. Using plant chemistry to improve interactions between plants, herbivores and their natural enemies: challenges and opportunities. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 70: 262-265.
2021: Machado R.A.R, Theepan V., Robert C.A.M, Züst T., Hu L., Su Q., Schimmel B.C.J. and Erb M. The plant metabolome guides fitness-relevant foraging decisions of a specialist herbivore. PLoS Biology 19: e3001114.
2020: Mirzaei M., Züst T., Hastings A.P., Agrawal A.A. and Jander G. Less Is More: a mutation in the chemical defense pathway of Erysimum cheiranthoides (Brassicaceae) reduces total cardenolide abundance but increases resistance to insect herbivores. Journal of Chemical Ecology 46: 1131-1143.
2020: Bont Z., Züst T., Arce C., Huber M. and Erb M. Variation in root secondary metabolites is shaped by past climatic conditions. Journal of Ecology 108: 2611-2624.
2020: Züst T., Strickler S.R., Powell A.F., Mabry ME., An H., Mirzaei M., York T., Holland C.K., Kumar P., Erb M., Petschenka G., Goméz J.M., Perfectti F., Müller C., Pires J.C., Mueller L.A. and Jander G. Independent evolution of ancestral and novel defenses in a genus of toxic plants (Erysimum, Brassicaceae). eLife 9: e5172.
2019: Züst T., Petschenka G., Hastings A. and Agrawal A.A. Toxicity of milkweed leaves and latex: chromatographic quantification versus biological activity of cardenolides in 16 Asclepias species. Journal of Chemical Ecology 45: 50-60.
2018: Li B., Förster C., Robert C.A.M., Züst T., Hu L., Machado R.A.R., Berset J.-D., Handrick V., Knauer T., Hensel G., Chen W., Kumlehn J., Yang P., Keller B., Gershenzon J., Jander G., Köllner T.G. and Erb M. Convergent evolution of a metabolic switch between aphid and caterpillar resistance in cereals. Science Advances 4: eaat6797.
2018: Züst T., Mou S. and Agrawal A.A. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger: the burdens and benefits of toxin sequestration in a milkweed aphid. Functional Ecology 32: 1972-1981.
2018: Johnson, S.N. and Züst T. Spotlight article: Climate change and insect pests: resistance is not futile? Trends in Plant Science 23: 367-369.
2018: Züst, T., Mirzaei, M. and Jander, G. Erysimum cheiranthoides, an ecological research system with potential as a genetic and genomic model for studying cardiac glycoside biosynthesis. Phytochemistry Reviews 17: 1239-1251.
2017: Yan, J., Song, Z., Xu, Q., Kang, L., Zhu, C., Xing, S., Liu, W., Greimler, J., Züst, T., Li, J. and Sang, T. (2017) Population transcriptomic characterization of the genetic and expression variation of a candidate progenitor of Miscanthus energy crops. Molecular Ecology 26: 5911-5922.
2017: Züst T. and Agrawal A.A. Trade-offs between plant growth and defense against insect herbivory: an emerging mechanistic synthesis. Annual Reviews of Plant Biology 68: 513-534.
2017: Züst T. and Agrawal A.A. Plant chemical defense indirectly mediates aphid performance via interactions with tending ants. Ecology 98: 601-607.
2016: Züst T. and Agrawal A.A. Mechanisms and evolution of plant resistance to aphids. Nature Plants 2: 15206.
2016: Züst T. and Agrawal A.A. Population growth and sequestration of plant toxins along a gradient of specialization in four aphid species on the common milkweed Asclepias syriaca. Functional ecology 30: 547-556.
2015: Agrawal A.A., Hastings A.P., Bradburd G.S., Woods E.C., Züst T., Harvey, J.A. and Bukovinszky T. Evolution of plant growth and defense in a continental introduction. American Naturalist 186: E1-E15.
2015: Züst T., Rasmann S. and Agrawal A.A. Growth-defense tradeoffs for two major anti-herbivore traits of the common milkweed Asclepias syriaca. Oikos 124: 1404-1415.
2014: Erwin A.C., Züst T., Ali J. and Agrawal A.A. Aboveground herbivory facilitates above- and belowground conspecific insects and reduces fruit production. Journal of Ecology 102: 1038-1047.
2013: Joseph B., Corwin J.A., Züst T., Li B., Iravani M., Schaepman-Strub G., Turnbull L.A. and D.J. Kliebenstein. Hierarchical nuclear and cytoplasmic genetic architectures for plant growth and defense within Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 25: 1929-1945.
2012: Züst T., Heichinger C., Grossniklaus U., Harrington R., Kliebenstein D.J. and L.A. Turnbull. Natural enemies drive geographic variation in plant defences. Science 338: 116-119. PDF
2011: Züst T., Joseph B., Shimizu K.K., Kliebenstein D.J. and L.A. Turnbull. Using knockout mutants to reveal the growth costs of defensive traits. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 2598-2603. PDF
2010: Paul-Victor C., Züst T., Rees M., Kliebenstein D.J. and L.A. Turnbull. A new method for measuring relative growth rate can uncover the costs of defensive compounds in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 187: 1102-1111. PDF
2007: Züst T., Härri S.A. and C.B. Müller. Endophytic fungi decrease available resources for the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi and impair their ability to induce defences against predators. Ecological Entomology 33: 80-85.